Help Catholic Charities provide help, create hope
Catholic Charities fulfills the church’s role in the mission of charity to anyone in need by providing compassionate, competent and professional services that strengthen and support individuals, families and communities based on the value and dignity of human life.
You can make a donation with your credit card using the form below.
- Refugee Relief Fund: supports Ukrainian Newcomers and others that have had to flee their country due to war, persecution, or natural disaster.
- General Fund: provides assistance to those in need with financial and materials needs like utilities and food.
- Counseling Fund: helps to offset the cost of a counseling session with a therapist for those who are uninsured and underinsured.
- Disaster fund: provides assistance to victims of flooding, tornadoes, fires and other disasters within Armstrong, Fayette, Indiana and Westmoreland Counties. Please visit the Catholic Charities USA website at or call 703-549-1390 to direct your donation of support to a national disaster.
- Elijah Endowment Fund: assist families and individuals in achieving and sustaining self -sufficiency though programs and services of Catholic Charities
- Pregnancy Fund: helps to support moms and babies with necessary supplies
- Emergency Services Fund: provides emergency assistance to those in need with financial and materials needs like rent security deposits for the homeless.
- Ministry for Seniors Fund: enhance quality of life for seniors with materials and financial support.