Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a collective term for modern, healthy, accurate, and reliable methods of family planning. NFP is based on scientific fact and research. It is safe and natural to use. There are no harmful side effects to the body.
NFP methods are based on observing specific body changes, which occur in each woman during the menstrual cycle. These changes occur due to hormonal activity as each cycle progresses.
NFP instruction helps a couple identify fertile and non-fertile times in each cycle. Once this is determined, the couple can make an informed decision regarding sexual intercourse based on their motivation to avoid, postpone, plan or achieve pregnancy.
Unlike artificial methods of birth control, NFP is based on the natural biology of the human person and does not rely on drugs, devices, or surgical procedures. It respects the nature and dignity of our created bodies. It enables users to work with the body rather than against the body.
NFP invites better marriages. NFP reflects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of the child. Marital relationships are strengthened as communication, mutual cooperation, and joint responsibility are enhanced.
NFP is highly effective when used correctly and consistently. It promotes increased self, body, and health awareness.
NFP: At A Glance
Sympto-Thermal Method (STM)
STM typically combines charting of the Basal Body Temperature (BBT) and cervical mucus with other optional indicators, such as changes in the cervix and secondary fertility signs.
Cervical Mucus Method (CMM)
The methods where a woman learns how to identify the normal, healthy, cervical mucus which indicates the days that sexual intercourse is most likely to result in pregnancy. Billings and Creighton are popular CMMs.
Sympto-Hormonal Method (SHM)
This method observes several signs of fertility and adds the use of an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) or fertility monitor to detect reproductive hormones. Popularized by the Marquette Model.
For more information and a comparison of the methods, check out the Diocese of Lansing NFP Overview.
Ready to Learn NFP?
If you are ready to take that next step, feel free to choose from an option below to learn online or to see if an instructor is available in your area or contact Deacon Bill Newhouse in the Family Life Office at 724-837-0901 ext. 1148 or by email at [email protected].
Making the Case for NFP
Humanae Vitae
The 1968 encyclical written by Pope Paul VI that re-proposed the Church’s eternal moral teaching on human sexuality and sexual activity, and
explicitly rejected the use of artificial contraception.
A Religious Perspective
Simcha Fisher gives a humorous and down-to-earth consideration of the moral differences between NFP, artificial contraception, and the “contraceptive mentality”.
A Realist Perspective
An article from First Things Magazine that makes the case for NFP without sugar-coating the difficulties many face in practicing it.
A Secular Perspective
NFP and Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABM) are not only popular among the religious.
NFP: Not Just for Women
Fact: men play an important role in the use of NFP and fertility awareness.