Volunteer and Get Involved
Catholic Charities offers a wide variety of opportunities for volunteers to get involved in the work and mission of the agency. If you are 18 years of age or older, and want to dedicate your time to helping meet the needs of others, please contact Donna Hagan, supervisor of information and referral services, at 724-837-1840 ext. 1661.
Note: Training and/or qualified education, as well as PA state and diocesan clearances, is required for all volunteers.

Respond to callers in need. Shifts available include:
- Weekdays 4:30 p.m. to midnight.
- Weekends and holidays 9:00 a.m. to midnight.
- Weekends 4:30 p.m. to midnight and midnight to 9:00 a.m.

Donations are received and need to be sorted appropriately. We also seek assistance with inventory of the baby clothing items.

Catholic Charities strives to spread our mission community wide. If you’d like to assist us, we can use help at events with distribution of literature and answers to questions about our agency.

Three fundraisers held annually include:
- Communities of Salt and Light Awards Dinner
- Paul R. Smiy Memorial Golf Outing
- Purse Bash & Crystal Bake Sale

We offer clients the following types of counseling:
- Individual
- Marital/Couples
- Family
- Project Rachel
- Anger Management
- Gambling

Catholic Charities participates in several United Way events throughout our four county diocese, and welcome others to join us in this effort.